6 Pre-Wedding Photography Tips and Ideas
Pre-Wedding Photography Tips
Pre-wedding photography is the new trend that has risen up in recent years and it turns out to be a new business idea for photographers. With the business opportunity it has come up with few challenges for the photographers such as finding the best place, clicking the best angles and most important breaking the ice of nervousness of the couple. How to tackle these challenges? Here are Pre-wedding photography tips that will help you to build the smooth process and capture the stunning images.

Use of longer lenses for more clear shots
A longer lens is suitable for pre-wedding shots as it can capture the beautiful and clear image and also blur the background, so that focus stays only on the couple. Small range lenses like 50mm may create distortion and the image looks blurry. Ideal lense size for pre-wedding photoshoot will be 85mm or 200mm lens.
Shooting in Burst Mode
Burst mode helps you to capture the fleeting moments between the couple. Moments that are unexpected but turn out to be amazing as they are real, natural and candid. In the beginning, a couple might pose awkwardly but when they are comfortable with each other, you can click photos in the poses you want.
Adjusting Shutter Speed
Be careful with motion blur when you are capturing images in burst mode. Avoid this by setting up lens shutter speed manually. The longer the lens, the more you need to increase the shutter speed to avoid the blur images. For example, if you are using a 200mm lens the minimum shutter speed should be 1/200 or 1/400 for best clicks. But if you are using a cropped camera you need to multiply the focal length by 1.6.
Understand Couple Ideas
When going for pre-wedding shoots, with your ideas and poses, also understand what the couple wants? Different couples have different ideas for their pre-wedding photoshoot. Some want photoshoot to be simple and candid while some want it to be more glamorous and romantic. You must discuss it with the couple before starting the session. So you can deliver what the couple exactly want. Before meeting the photographer, couples have their ideas in the mind. Meeting them and discussing it formed the perfect way to start with the session.
Selection of Location
After meeting the couple and finalising the ideas, the next step is to finalise the location for the Pre-wedding shoot. Park is a good option for the casual shoot, Old building is the best option for the dramatic shoot. The best option is to visit the location, take note of light and get the required permission. Consider the client’s personality while selecting the location. Shy people feel awkward in public places and not comfortable for the shoot. So try to find alternative options. Keep a list of locations with all details you have visited for the future reference.
Break the Shyness
Many people are camera conscious and shy to give the pose for the perfect capture and the nervousness and awkwardness is obvious during pre-wedding photoshoot. Release the tension and nervousness by chatting with them, by cracking a joke, make them feel relaxed. This is why the meeting before the session is important to know about client personality.
A list may go on, but these are a few important to be remembered for Pre-wedding photography tips. Pre-wedding photography helps people who are less known to each other to come closer before the wedding. If you want to make your pre-wedding photoshoot memorable and if you are looking for high-quality work, you can contact Dinesh Boiri – professional candid wedding photographer in Bangalore .
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